AI in healthcare partnerships

We believe strong collaborations within the field of medical image analysis lead to groundbreaking solutions


RadNet Inc

RadNet is the US leader in providing high-quality, cost-effective, fixed-site outpatient diagnostic imaging services through a network of 350 owned and operated outpatient imaging centers with more than 35 years of experience. 



DeepHealth provides a Machine Learning (ML) solution for mammography screening to support radiologists and enable them to provide the best care possible in the breast cancer clinical pathway.

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Aidence is an Amsterdam-based company that offers AI software to support lung CT screening, especially pulmonary nodule management, in order to empower healthcare professionals to deliver faster and more precise diagnostics.


Erasmus MC Logo

Erasmus MC

Quantib, which spun out of Erasmus MC, maintains a strong partnership with the Departments of Radiology and Medical Informatics of Erasmus MC and its Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, lead by Wiro Niessen, our CSO.  This research group consists of over 40 researchers in the field of medical image analysis and machine learning. Our currently available and future products are partly based on the research performed at Erasmus MC.



Quantib is partnering with Intrasense since 2016: Quantib® ND Plus has been developed on Myrian® Studio and is a solution based on the Myrian® Platform. This partnership allows physicians to benefit from all of the unique and advanced Quantib® ND Plus tools within a global, well-known and cutting-edge medical imaging platform.

General Electronics Logo


The integration of Quantib® Brain with GE's READY View offers a seamless reading workflow and a familiar user interface for users of Advantage Windows (AW) Workstation and Server enabling them to easily perform longitudinal volumetric analysis and segment WMHs.

Learn More about Quantib® Brain



Within STARLIT, Quantib will contribute to the development of novel technologies in radiation oncology to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors by using real-time MRI imaging in order to improve treatment accuracy and minimize healthy tissue doses. Under STARLIT Elekta and Philips will work together with six SMEs, providing unique technical capabilities, representing the end customer’s perspective.


In 2015 Philips contacted Quantib to collaborate on developing a tool to support and improve their image quality assessments. Through regular discussions and prototyping, Quantib supported Philips by designing and implementing a tool which allows for a very flexible and efficient way of assessing image quality. Quantib continued collaboration with Philips in several European image analysis subsidy projects.